What People Say

Fresh back from a MEGA marathon run at Boston Marathon, I asked @ruth_runs what part she felt Nutrition Coaching had played to her journey.
"As is pretty clear from my page, running the Boston marathon has been a big deal to me for a while, and it was a new challenge, both because of the requirements of a tough course, and the travelling element. In addition to this, personally, as I trained for it I have had like many the effects of Covid to deal with, both for me and looking after my children, and we all lost our appetite which is not great for me when I’m doing big miles, plus the energy needed to look after them.
A lot of people ask me what does having 1:1 support entail, and the main things for me are:
- Consistency. I have very regular check ins with Becky so we can quickly adapt things, and she is so fast to get back to me with any answers to my questions (of which there have been many!)
- Personalised support. I haven’t had a ‘plan’ to follow, I’ve had education, to create plans for myself. This has been key as I’ve learnt at what points of a marathon training plan I need more food, and have been able to adapt to the different sessions.
- Race and travel plans. Becky gave me really specific advice on carb loading, how to eat when travelling to the USA, snack ideas both at home and when we got there, plus ideas for me (and my son) to keep healthy when poorly. Then she also created a plan for the race itself. I really think without some of this I would have come majorly unstuck, both in the days before the race and the race.
- Reassurance. This one has been massive. Because I’ve upped my strength training and hill work, I gained weight, and as much as I try not to care, I would have without Becky helping me understand the adaptations the body makes during a training cycle. She uses a great app where you can log progress photos and this means she can check everything is ok plus I can see changes too and realise that gaining muscle, speed and strength is far more important than a number on the scales. I think she’s changed my outlook on this for life, not just right now.
I completed Boston in my second fastest marathon time ever, on a course with nearly 1,000 feet of elevation. I didn’t hit a wall, I finished strong, and I fuelled right. When I started to feel a little light headed in the heat, I didn’t panic as with my fuelling knowledge I could adapt my intake as I ran, and this really added to my performance.
All I can say is thank you to Becky, she’s so much more than just a nutrition coach, she’s a key player in my success and she has empowered me to feel more confident, run smarter, and love and respect my body. Thank you Becky."
I'm SO proud of @all_these_things_that_ive_run for her hard work and commitment in the lead up to Boston. Some big road bumps along the way - but she SMASHED it - AND got a nice shiny new PB!
"Becky was instrumental in helping me qualify for Boston with my run at London Marathon last year, so I wanted to keep working with her to get me through the next training block too as I knew there were still things I needed to learn and work on when it comes to food and fuelling my training. The journey to Boston hasn’t always been straightforward - I had a nasty case of food poisoning followed by covid a couple of weeks later right at the start of my training block, both of which affected my appetite and tolerance to some foods - not ideal when you’re trying to fuel all the hard work that goes into marathon training!
Becky has been amazing at helping me navigate this and making sure I’m getting the right nutrients and fuel for my body to maximise the effects of my training. Having a stressful and hectic job alongside busy family life, it’s not always easy to have the time to prepare the perfect meals, but Becky has helped me think about how I can make it good enough, and save myself some time (and stress) by planning in advance for the week. She’s also helped me adjust my nutrient intake as the training block progressed (and the hunger went up and up!) and tailored this to me personally.
This training block l’ve focussed much more on fuelling before and during runs than I have previously and it’s made such a difference. Becky mapped out a plan for me to overcome the challenge of travelling abroad to run (something I’ve never done before!) and gave me snack and meal ideas that would be easily accessible. We discussed and rehearsed the race day fuelling plan and I’m thrilled to say it all went perfectly! I got to the start line feeling confident that my body had everything it needed to overcome the challenges of running a marathon and the tough Boston course, and throughout the race I knew I was taking on board the right fuel to keep me going.
It was an incredible experience to run Boston and to come away with a 5 minute PB was a lovely surprise. I finished still feeling strong and feel like I recovered well which is thanks to having done the right training and fuelling properly throughout my training and on the day, which is full credit to Becky and I owe her a big huge THANK YOU, both for getting me to Boston in the first place but for helping me have such an awesome run 🤩💙💛
Miss @hgwakeford01.
Words cannot describe just how proud I am of this incredible lady. There have been incredible highs, and some tough lows, but she’s kept her head held high and her goals in sight.
Over a year of hard work - but only 5ish months between these photos - 17kg down, but most importantly - feeling fantastic!
“I first started with Becky on her Fad Free to Life course in January 2021, over the duration of the 10 weeks I learnt so much about nutrition and the fundamentals of eating a healthy balanced diet, I lost 10kg during the course and then moved onto 121 sessions with Becky. One of the most important things Becky has taught me is that weight fluctuates and life happens as it did for me, my life got super stressful and we agreed that I needed to take the pressure off of myself, so I took a pause and went back to 121s with Becky in December 21, we worked over Christmas on adjusting back slowly and then in January hit the ground running. I’m super proud that I’m now 17kg down from my heaviest weight.
I can’t thank Becky enough for keeping me on the straight and narrow and helping me manage my health, I feel so much more confident and happier in myself and right back at the start one of my goals was just to be able to tie my shoe laces up without sitting down which I can now do with ease!
If you have been yo yo ing on all of the diet plans and slimming world groups for years like I did then signing up to Becky will not be a decision you will regret.”
